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Vijaya J Singh


Hot flashes, fatigue, night sweats or a feeling of being on a roller coaster… it’s as if a strange yet powerful force is enveloping me and I have no control over it.
I’m irritable most of the times or depressed for no apparent reason.
The more I think about it, the more my brain is foggy. I can’t concentrate… words seem to be failing me, and nothing seems to make sense anymore. I’m having trouble articulating my thoughts…
I’m also sleep-deprived and anxious…
Is something wrong with me? This is not me…
Sounds familiar?
You are not the only one experiencing the ‘M’ word….. Extremely dreaded among women, especially in their 40s to 60s age bracket.
I’m talking about Menopause. There is almost an uneasy silence attached to this part of one’s life.

We feel guilty and sad at the same time as if ‘life’ is over. We look at our bodies and see the changes happening, wondering what new wrinkle, what new fold is going to appear. We worry, we may not be attractive enough…that we will definitely fall short of the societal expectation of the female body.

This experience is not simply something to survive – as women, we have a tendency to put everyone else’s needs before our own because we are caregivers. And in the bargain we lose out on celebrating us.
We seem to be in a better position to deal with the physical change, have we forgotten the emotional beings that we are and how for our sanctity, we need to maintain a balance between the two.
We celebrate youth, we celebrate motherhood….how about celebrating this new chapter of our lives by embracing it fully? Let’s celebrate this new chapter, because it’s important, for the WOMAN in you….


Vijaya J Singh Mumbai,

Core Qualifications: PCC (Professional Certified Coach): ICF accreditation in April 2017. ACC (Associate Certified Coach): ICF accreditation in March 2016. Master Practitioner – Neuro Linguistic Programming. Certified by American Board of Neuro Linguisti

Price on Request


As a Coach, Counsellor and a Therapist, my primary objective is to help you evolve. Evolve into a ‘YOU’, you want to be and deal with this reality too. Together we explore your thought processes, your experiences and your beliefs that have culminated into your behaviours. For example, we explore questions like:

  • What is my current situation and why is this challenging?
  • What is my goal?
  • What may be a few beliefs etc that prevent me from adapting to the current situation?
  • What can I do about this? Etc.

By changing our thinking, we can change the neural pathways in the brain, creating new ways of seeing and interacting with the world.  By thinking about our thinking, we can create new feedback loops for deeply ingrained beliefs that trigger responses, which trigger feelings that lead to action or lack of it…

A series of one-on-one Coaching sessions typically consist of Interaction & Therapy, usually lasting 45 to 60 minutes each. In the first one or two sessions, we will usually go over your feelings, establishing what you hope to achieve through coaching. We can meet once a week, once a fortnight or once a month depending on your requirements. We can meet face to face or over a video/audio call.
I deploy NLP ( Neuro-Linguistic Programming) to work with you as a therapist. NLP aims to help you understand that the way you view the world affects how you operate in the world. NLP started off as an alternate powerful way than traditional methods or forms of Therapy

I also specialise in other NLP based therapies like:

  • Relationship Issues
  • Corporate – Stress management
  • Lifestyle guidance.
  • Overcoming limiting fears or phobias
  • Overcoming past negative memories.
  • Smoking/alcohol cessation
  • Poor self-esteem


What to expect, what the potential outcome will be for the client:

  • Other than having a smile on your face, a spring in your step and a song in your heart, you will also experience the following:
  • Increased awareness of your thought process, conscious and unconscious motivators.
  • Clarity of thoughts, separate facts from feelings.
  • Confidence in yourself.
  • Identify and clearly think about your choices.