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Ravi Bodani


Ravi, with his expertise in strengths psychology and Neuropsychology, is successfully training the generation that focuses on an inside-out approach. His mission is to promote self-reliance based on training and practice. A certified NLP Trainer, coach and master practitioner, he has been training in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Mindfulness and the science of meditation since 2011. With a background in Computer Engineering, he found his passion and calling in coaching and training matters of the mind.

In the last 9 years, Ravi has made his life a demonstration of brilliant power with his wisdom and is setting an example of everything he teaches and more. Ravi’s methods are deeply rooted in research about mind science & neuropsychology and have a proven record of achieving fantastic results with a focus on human excellence.


Ravi Bodani Pune,


Price on Request



Ravi beautifully combines Neuroscience, Metaphors and Experiential learning to provide congruent solutions for all kinds of personal and professional problems. He acts as a catalyst in bringing positive outcomes in people’s lives by making them take control of their mind and therefore their life. By focusing on the “whys” and “hows” of the brain, he trains people to equip themselves with skills that allow them to lead a productive life with a healthier mind and body. Ravi is one of the most result-driven NLP trainers in the country today. He focuses on the personal development for all his pupils and empowers them to attain their maximum potential in every realm. Ravi’s methods incorporate mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of self with the use of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, the science of the mind, psychology and focus on accelerated right-brain learning.