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Rajni Kukreja


Rajni Kukreja is a healer and  tarot reader and provides variety of services in tarot card reading, sound healing, light healing, reiki grandmaster, energy healing and counselling.


Rajni Kukreja Hyderabad, Jubilee Hills 36

Healer & Tarot Reader

B.com graduate

?2500 per session


“We are our choices.” — Jean – Paul Sartre

Rajni Kukreja, Hyderabad based, certified healer and facilitator, not only adapted this saying but also is helping hundreds of people understand and adapt it, from last 18 years. She was growing up like any normal teenager, but the universe had other plans for her. She had to face many life-threatening challenges and struggles that the life started throwing not only at her, but at her family members as well. And this was the triggering point for her to understand that, in a way universe was creating a path for her to walk and become a contributor for the betterment of the society.

She has done more than 25 different modalities to understand what this universe has for her and all of us. She is blessed to be aware of so many energies which contribute every human being for every fraction of a second in their lifetime. Her intention is to help spread her learnings through healings, readings, reiki, counselling etc.

She is available for sessions, with prior appointments, from 11am-7pm, Mon-Sun.


Her contribution can be availed in the following modalities.

  • Tarot reading
  • Sound healing
  • Light healing
  • Reiki grandmaster
  • Energy healing
  • Counselling