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Minerva Jain


Spiritual Journey is not something that only a few people get to walk-on… I feel each and everyone one of us is on a spiritual journey whether they know it or not. Come and take a spiritual journey with me to a world which is more real then you can ever imagine. When a human mind gets exhausted by its own play of trying to find the answers to one’s desires and solutions to one’s pain is when one finally starts to listen to one’s own intuition and take a look at other ways of finding peace and joy to one’s existence. You have brought yourself here, trust your intuition. The various modalities of healing that I offer have completely transformed my personal life and so I decided to help others by them as well. Reading energies by tarot or tapping the subconscious mind by Theta Healing & changing the old and stubborn mind patterns or healing the body by Reiki, all these modalities will show you how our conscious and subconscious mind is always connected with the universal energies and all the answers truly do lay within us, I am only here to show you the way.


Minerva Jain/ Reiki Sessions Goa Manali Mcleodganj Rishikesh, All Services Available Online And By Personal Meet

Price on Request


  • Reiki is a type of energy healing that promotes the body’s natural healing abilities (immune system). It works on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of self.  A Reiki treatment is very personal and everyone experiences it differently. Reiki healing can help with anxiety, depression, stress levels, recovering from physical illness, and emotional issues.
  • Tarot Readings-  Tarot Card Reading is simply reading the energies; it’s not about predicting the future but receiving guidance for your life path. We use Tarot Cards and interpret the energies that are shown by the cards for your specific situation and receive guidance for your present and future and also receive answers to your past experiences to understand it better to move forward. It provides clarity of thoughts and helps in decision making, knowing strengths & weaknesses which helps in bringing balance in one’s life. All Tarot Readings are done by tapping the intuition and with the help of spirit guides and angels.
  • Theta Healing– It truly is a real science-based modality which shows a client to see for themselves how deeper issues are present in our subconscious mind which are harming us and how they can be replaced by new, positive beliefs during the session just like working with a software program on a computer. Theta healing can help with- anger, anxiety, depression, low self- esteem, addictions, lack of confidence,  relationship difficulties, various kinds of fear, suppressed issues, hurtful memories, career issues, stress and much more. Each of us has the power to really enhance our standard of living by addressing and questioning our beliefs system and making some long-lasting changes so by habit we end up following healthy thoughts and behaviour and ThetaHealing helps you to become free from old patterns of behaviour, you feel empowered to make different, healthier choices and positive changes in your life.


The treatment involves lying on a treatment table, fully clothed and simply relaxing. And with your consent, I start the session by guiding you through some breathing exercises and grounding techniques to assist your mind and body. I use sound (Tibetan singing bowl) to create a relaxed and calm space for the healing to take place or use meditation music at the background. The treatment involves me placing my hands, non-intrusively in a sequence of positions over the body, guided by my intuition. As your mind and body relax it and assists you to release emotions and pain. Having faith in the universe or God or energies always is a must for the healing to take place.

Tarot Readings are all done with various spreads. Each card represents a different question within the spread. A client can choose one of the spreads or ask personal questions regarding a particular situation. The reading usually takes about an hour and if it goes beyond an hour, we charge extra amount for that. A client may feel emotional during the reading and usually feel much more peaceful and satisfied by the end of the reading.

Theta Healings: After addressing the issue, I will take you to a theta state (deeper meditative state) and I will start asking a series of questions which will help us to identify the underlying belief which relates to the issue and you will discover yourself how it’s hurting you and what’s the root cause of your issue. We will then remove these negative beliefs and give healing to the issue and then download new beliefs and feelings into your subconscious. This requires your active involvement with your healing process as we work together to resolve the issue. A client may feel emotionally relieved and free from stress and much more clear in his thoughts and perception about the particular situation. A session may last one hour or so.