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Liveinlean Health & Fitness


Gilroy DSouza is a PTA Global Certified Personal Trainer and also holds a Precision Nutrition Lvl 1 Certification. He has also held certifications from Turbulence Training for Advanced Fat loss and Kettlebell Training and Functional Ageing Specialist Certification from the Functional Ageing Institute.

Strength training infused with HIIT and bodyweight circuits are his primary modes of training as he firmly believes that an intense 30-minute session 3 or 4 times a week, done the right way along with healthy eating is enough for someone to live a lean, healthy, active and better life.

This is reflected in Liveinlean’s motto of Train Right, Eat Well & Live Happily.

Liveinlean is the most well equipped and comprehensive indoor boot camp facility in Goa dedicated to group fitness. It has pioneered the 5 days, 30-minute group training format in Goa. The unique system targets efficiency in training to help people get maximum results in the minimum time.

Liveinlean is proud to have helped in the development of the only two athletes from Goa that represented India at the 2018 Asian Games. Dayne and Katya Coelho who took part in the sport of windsurfing.
Liveinlean also has members currently representing the state of Goa in the sport of Rugby, Ultimate Frisbee and Basketball.


Liveinlean Health & Fitness Goa, Arpora

Liveinlean is a Group Fitness Studio.The unique 5 day workout system that has been developed by Gilroy Dsouza, the founder of Liveinlean, targets all aspects of fitness including Strength, Conditioning, Endurance, Balance & Coordination, Mobility, Stabili

Price on Request


Liveinlean runs transformation contests 3 times a year wherein group members are given a complete individualised blueprint of how they can transform. I work with people to bring about physical and mental transformations through proper training, movement, nutrition and habit change.

In addition to group training, Liveinlean is also a development centre for athletes. Exclusive access to top of the line equipment and knowledgeable trainers helps athletes to push their limits and reach their peak potential. The centre does not focus only on individual athletes but is set up in such a way that athletic teams can use the space exclusively for their players to help them develop their overall athleticism.


Liveinlean is a combination of three ideologies:

Living Lean is the first one which refers to a lifestyle that is characterised by training right and eating well. When it comes to exercise there are plenty of programs out there that claim to have you looking and feeling your best. The principle of training right means that you should be doing what will help you get to your goals while eating well means eating the right foods in the right amounts to nourish your body giving it the energy it needs to perform every day.

Liveinlean, which relates to the fact that all you need to live a healthy life is available to you in your very own home…Your body! You can burn fat, get healthy and stay in shape without having to leave your home and go to the gym. The principles of bodyweight training form the foundation of what we do at Liveinlean and teaching them to our members enables them to better understand how their bodies move and function.

This leads us to the final ideology….

Live & Learn: Life is a learning experience and constantly growing and improving is at the very core of Liveinlean. We’re constantly striving to get better at everything we do and we encourage and help our members to do the same.