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Gautam Jha


Gautam Jha has various research on various illness and their cure by yoga. he is an expert in hatha – kriya yoga, yogic detoxification of mind and body, and also an international meditation teacher.


Gautam Jha Dehradun Delhi,


Price on Request


Gautam Jha was part of Bihar school of yoga, the 1st yog University of the world. he was a student of Paramhansa Satyananda Saraswati , who was the founder of this school and gave his entire life in the field of yoga and yogic research. he spent 9 years with him and learned various pranic – yogic science. he has various research on various illness and their cure by yoga. he is an expert of hatha – kriya yoga, yogic detoxification of mind and body, and also an international meditation teacher. he has given his 20 years to yoga practice and yogic sadhana. he teaches how to balance all the Nadi, all the panch Vayu,  and vatt, Pitt , kaff samaveshan. he mastered several mudra and tantra yoga which helps in healing not only the body but the mind also. his practices are more spiritual. That means if u wish to know something, 1st you have to go inside urself. Because if you have to find something which makes you happy then 1st you have to aware of that. You have to know that if that particular thing can give you permanent pleasure. So that he can teach pratyahara also. he spent many months in the hight Himalayas doing practices of various pranayama for the evolution of various energy koshas.