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Cashmere Lashkari


Cashmere is a holistic healer who believes strongly in the mind-body connection.

A firm believer in the Law of Attraction, she understands the great power of the mind to manifest whatever it wants.

She wants to teach everyone the fact, that your thoughts can literally change your life.

She has been practising Reiki, Pendulum Dowsing and Crystal Therapy as taught by Rani Venkat since 1998. She reads Tarot, Lenormand and Angel Oracle cards.


Cashmere Lashkari ,

Tarot Card Reader

Price on Request


Everything is energy and everything is connected. Cartomancy (the study of cards) allows us to connect with this energy so that we can tap into guidance. Tarot cards have been in use since the 14thcentury. The cards allow the reader to use intuition to connect with Universal Wisdom. Every spiritual lesson that comes into our lives can be found in the Tarot cards. When you ask a question and draw cards you get access to answers that come from your higher self. This allows you to make decisions for self-growth by making choices that help manifest your karmic goals.


During an online card, reading permission is taken by the Reader from the Seeker to draw cards on their behalf. The number of cards drawn and layout will depend on the questions of the Seeker. The cards are then studied by the Reader and their meaning interpreted in light of the question asked.

Card readings can help when people are trying to make important life decisions related to career, relationships, health and finances. If there is a choice to be made, the cards can help show which choice is going to be more beneficial.

All readings are completely confidential. Nothing related to the Seeker is shared with anyone else. The Seeker’s identity and questions are never revealed by the Reader. Also if negative issues are cropping up in your life, the karmic blueprint may be accessed to give guidance about how to deal with them.

It is important to understand that the reading is based on all the actions that have led to the present day. As you change your thoughts and behaviour, the circumstances change and the reading for the same question will be different.

The Reader is not a mind reader, and merely interprets the cards that are drawn. There is always a possibility that the reading is not 100% accurate, as it is esoteric science and not a physical one.

Tarot and Lenormand Card readings are available online. You can book a card reading for half an hour over the phone, video call or in person. This is extendable to an hour if more time is required. Bookings must be made in advance for a mutually acceptable time slot.