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Vanilla Tapioca Pudding

  • Unsweetened almond milk – 1 ½ cup
  • sabudana – ¼ cup
  • Coconut sugar/ jaggery powder – 1 tbsp
  • almonds, crushed – 2 tbsp
  • Sea salt – 1 pinch
  • Cardamom powder/ buds – ½ tsp

Nutritional Count Per Serve-

  • Energy – 246 kcal
  • CHO – 29. 7gram
  • Protein – 6.6 gram
  • Fat – 11. 3 gram
  • Fibre – 1.3 gram
  1. Pre-soak the tapioca pearls in 1/2 of the almond milk (3/4 cup) for at least an hour to two.
  2. After they have soaked, transfer into a pot and add in the rest of the milk and heat until it has a gentle boil and then reduce to a simmer. Add in the sea salt, sweetener, amondst, cardamom powder and stir.
  3. Make sure the heat isn’t too high so the bottom of the tapioca doesn’t burn.
  4. Leave to simmer for around 15-20 minutes and occasionally stir.
  5. Once it has thickened (it will continue to thicken after it cools), remove from heat, give a last stir and transfer into a container once it has cooled down a bit and let it chill in the fridge.

Chef Profile

Neha Ranglani

Email: makemefit@neharanglani.com

Website: https://www.neharanglani.com